Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What is Your Face Telling You?

Saturday's seminar was about diagnosing developing conditions in the body by looking at the face and hands. Smart as technology is, apparently problems in the body show up on the face way before they show up on any medical test. For instance, let's pick apart mine.

But first, perhaps a bit of explanation is in order. Getting a decent picture while standing in front of the bathroom mirror (where the lighting is good) is harder than it would seem to be. First, the subject matter is . . . well, not that great. Second, watching yourself find the right button (that isn't really a button at all, but a very specific spot on a smooth screen) to push while holding the phone j-u-s-t so . . . well, it's harder than you'd think it should be. Third, I did it without glasses so as not to cover up any of the . . . Well, enough explanation. But no laughing, 'k?

Okay, so the first developing condition that might not show up right away on a medical test is that I have a shower head starting to sprout out of the top of my head. By catching it now, I should be able to do something about it before it becomes truly disgusting.

See the bags under the eyes? That's kidney issues. See how my right cheek is kind of puffy and my right eyelid covers more of my eye than the left one does? That's right breast issues (also known as Cancer because really, what else goes wrong with breasts after they're done feeding a litter of babies?) See how the outside part of both eyebrows is thinning? That's thyroid issues. 

Boy, I'm one sick mama! No wonder I'm not smiling!

On the bright side, there's lots of things I don't have issues with. The tip of my nose correlates with the heart or stomach. Other than being a tad on the large size, it's pretty unremarkable. You know the lines that some people have from the corner of each nostril down to the corner of the mouth? My stomach acid and pancreas are just fine, thank you. Lips correlate to digestion, and mine look pretty even. So I'm in pretty good shape for the shape I'm in. Nothing a little healthy food won't fix.

At some point, I bet you'd like to know just what I'm eating these days. I'll post about that as soon as I figure it out. Walnuts, anyone?


  1. The shower head comment had me cracking up a little...so glad that early diagnosis saved you from a lifetime of plumbing headaches.

    If taking selfie's is a pain, see if your phone has the option to use a front facing camera. It seems like yours is high-tech enough that it should have one. SO much easier than trying to do exactly what you described, although I'm impressed that you managed to take yours without the camera or your hands in the picture!

    1. Yes, my phone has that capability. I tried it both ways. Not sure which one I ended up using.

      Plumbing headaches . . . love it. The toilet in the small bathroom gives me enough of those. :-p

  2. Haha! I laughed at the shower head comment too :) Very interesting stuff, Aunt Shirley.

  3. Plumbing headaches.. hehe. I must agree with Kara on the pic though- shower head aside its pretty impressive for a bathroom pic :)

    1. Why, thank you! Do I really look that lop-sided, though? I think it's the camera. It must be. Right?

    2. I love that you are so hilarious given the subject matter. Found the face stuff to be fascinating. Great blog. ♥

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. VERY interesting facial info, Sis! I noticed your eyebrows thinning at the outside edges, but mine do TOO, so I thought it must be inherited! Mine did it all of a sudden, at the same time I lost so much hair all of a sudden!

  5. I've been taking my temperature first thing every morning and it's only 96.9 -- a definite sign of thyroid malfunction. So I'm curious to see what the naturopath has to say about it.

  6. Very interesting class. I'd love to have a class like that. I have a couple books sitting on my book shelf on face reading that goes along with TCM theory by Jean Haner called The Wisdom of Your Face, and The Wisdom of Your Child's Face. This makes me want to dust them off and start reading. Thanks for sharing. I love your sense of humor by the way.

    Sue B

  7. Shirley, I think you are amazing. I love how you write with humor and knowledge. I love how you don't mince words and I love how brave you are to share all of this with us. Thank you and please, keep up the good work for a long, long, long, long time :) Love you. Tana

  8. This is most fascinating! I've always had a degree low temperature. Didn't know why though!
