Thursday, July 18, 2013

Here's the Story

I was diagnosed with "grade 2 invasive ductal carcinoma" (breast cancer) a week ago -- July 11, 2013.

Because I see the after-effects of chemotherapy and radiation -- and yes, of surgery, too -- on an almost daily basis, I have chosen not to go that route. I choose to use food as my medicine, building up my body's immune system so it can kill off these cancer cells just like it has the trillion or so before now.

I decided to start this blog for the benefit of my family members who are interested in watching this "experiment" unfold. It felt like an experiment at first because I was not finding information from others who have gone this path. There were quite a few books about *preventing* cancer, or helping with the issues of chemotherapy and radiation, but none about *fighting* the cancer directly. It was just me and my intuition. But then Shawna sent me the link for Gerson Therapy on youtube, and that led me to others. I can't tell you how awesome it was to hear that there is research -- and not just a little of it -- that backs up my intuitive knowledge:

Our bodies are made to heal themselves . . . if they have everything they need to work with. 
Kind of like an Erector set. You can make most anything you want to if you have the right pieces. But . . . how to figure out just what pieces the body needs and in what quantities . . .

So I spent the past week reading everything I could get my hands on until my head hurt and my mind wouldn't go in a straight line. All those bits of information are settling down now and I'm able to make a plan of sorts that will no doubt change as I go. But at least it's a starting point.

Stay tuned . . .


  1. Tuned in. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for blogging! We look forward to your updates!

  3. I, too look forward to your updates. I look forward to your success story as it unfolds :)

  4. That was supposed to say "...reading your success story..."

  5. Wow Shirley! You are so brave and strong. I am so proud of you for stepping up to the plate and doing what you can to beat this cancer. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, experience and journey with others. What an inspiration. I look forward to following along. Wishing you health and great success in overcoming this invader.

    Sue B

  6. Hugs Shirley! I am new to your blog and the fact that you are fighting cancer. I will be following along and wishing you the best....and learning a lot too.(I just had to sit here and read every post) Thanks for sharing your story and all you have learned on this journey.
    P. S. sounds lovely to be on vacation out on the coast! Enjoy!

  7. Just read the beginning of your story. We are wishing you the best and are anxious to read it all up to the present and then stay tuned for the rest of the story!
    our love

    1. Thanks, Jane. It's endlessly fascinating and I'm really enjoying it!
