Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Food As Medicine

Whew! I got caught up in a time warp and thought I'd *never* get back, but it spit me out yesterday and here I am. (Lame excuses should at least be entertaining, right?) 

What really happened is that I got stuck in the Slime Pit of Grumpiness and, since I couldn't string two cheerful (let alone humorous) words together, I wallowed.  But female issues have subsided and life is good again. (That, and fall is in the air. Can winter be far behind?)   :-)

A couple weeks ago I got to see a lady who does muscle testing and body reading and all kinds of interesting stuff. But the best part was that she uses Food as Medicine. Is that not the coolest thing ever?? *Exactly* what I've been looking for! 

I spent three hours with her, and she sent me home with a personalized "prescription." Here's what it looks like:

Kohlrabi - 3 slices daily x 3 weeks
Rosehip petals - 1/2 tsp/qt (drinking) water, 4 times/week x 2 months
Lemon juice (fresh) - 2 tsp/qt (drinking) water, 3 times/week x 2 months
Buckwheat kashi - once weekly
Millet - once weekly
 - 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes of waking up. Then:
 - 2 egg yolks
 - 1 tsp raw honey
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.:
[The body's energy is especially strong in a different system of the body every two hours. Hence, the timetable - nourishing specific systems with specific foods.]
 - A-F Beta Food, 2 tablets, for 2 months
 - Filberts, 3, for 2 months
 - Parlsey, 3 capsules, for 3 weeks, then switch to 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
 - Apricots, 2, for 2 months
 - Prunes, 3, for 2 months
 - Black beans, 1 cup, Tues, Thurs, Sun, for 2 months [Turns out the body works on a different system each day of the week, as well. Cool, huh?]
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.:
 - Pecans - 4 halves
 - Raw honey, 2 tsp
 - Primal Force Ultra Greens, 2 tsp [I had been using this already, mixed with applesauce]
 - Just Barley, 1 capsule [Ditto, this one.]
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.:
 - Heavy Metal Detox, 3 capsules
 - Filberts, 2, x 1 month
 - Vitamin B6, 1 capsule [Ditto this one, too.]
 - Magnesium Oratate, 3 capsules
 - 1/2 cup green beans, 1 small zucchini, 1/8 tsp. paprika, 3 times/week x 1 month
 - Pumpkin seeds, 2 tsp x 2 months (begin in 3 weeks)
9:00 p.m. (bedtime):
 - Sea Cure (hydrolyzed fish protein), 4, x 1 month
 - CoQ10, 2, x 2 months
 - Evening Primrose Oil, 1
Exercises for balancing and de-toxing:
Knee squeeze x 2 min. daily
Salt glow - 4 tbsp olive oil mixed with 2 tbsp sea salt; rubbed over body once a week x 2 months
Figure eights with right ankle over left, 12 times
Figure eights with left wrist over right, 12 times
Hold points on head [as demonstrated].

How's that for a regimen? I confess, the hardest part is eating meals in addition to all this stuff. I do okay for breakfast, and usually have a salad bar for a late lunch, but supper often falls by the way-side because nothing sounds good. 

Next post: Muscle Testing (maybe. Unless something else jumps to the head of the line. Like the fact that meat tastes gross.)


  1. While you're piling up books, these are must haves to not stash away where you can't see them - I can't remember all the names and pertinent info but they are easy, enjoyable, thoughtful, inspiring reads.

    Bernie Segal has 2 - names aren't coming to me but they are easy to find. I'm thinking the second one is the most helpful. Just found them on Amazon, long names but both are available for one cent plus postage.

    And Rachel Remen who wrote Kitchen Table Wisdom, she has another one too. I like one better than the other and can't remember which one... Susie Harris has both I'm quite sure.

    Alas, I'm afraid they are on the list of loaners to people who needed them so badly and I will never see again. btw, I no longer loan books.

  2. "Kitchen Table Wisdom" was highly recommended by three people so I bought it. Can't say I like it, though.

    Yes, I'm getting a pretty good collection of special books that I'll keep for always, too. Any more, I give out titles and authors, but if a person doesn't care enough to find the book themselves, they probably won't read it if they borrow it from me, either.

  3. I'm going to the Oregon coast with Steve and Julie tomorrow. We shall all enjoy our ocean "fix" immensely :-)

  4. Replies
    1. Yup. Good food takes time and effort, but it's waaay worth it. :-)

  5. Interesting about the figure 8's. J's chiro had her doing them on the left side and it does help her balance. Short term, but still...

    1. It's *very* interesting! The naturopath told me my body wasn't working in harmony and gave me the figure-8 exercises to do. I soon understood what she was talking about because I couldn't make it work right away -- my feet were trying to do their own thing. It's easier now, but quite a spiritual lesson, too!

  6. Shirley thanks for creating this blog. Not only is it immensely informative, but you are an amazing writer. I'm so inspired by your choice to use food and not western medicine as a treatment.

    1. Thanks, Kathryn. Is all well with your family?

  7. We are all doing well, thanks for asking :-) Here is a link for you, although you probably already are aware of this info.


    1. It's mind boggling isn't, Kathryn?! It's never been more important for people to take responsibility for their own health, and it all starts with what we put in our mouths. Thanks for sharing that link.

  8. Yes, it is! It's really just starting to "sink in" for me, and it requires a complete lifestyle change. I feel it's part of the whole paradigm shift anyway, farm to table, eat/grow local, etc...It costs more to eat properly, but then again your body requires less this way, so does it really cost more? I started up Bikram Yoga again, and I love how facing my body and face in the mirror a few times a week shows me who I really am and how I am improving, and allows for complete self-acceptance. Although I don't agree with all the postures, it's a start to getting back to a healthier lifestyle track.

  9. Good for you! I'm checking out some yoga classes, too. Looking forward to it very much.
